Reading ladder- February

Star Wars: Paradise Snare by A. C Crispin 335 pages, Rating 4/5.

Star Wars: Hutt Gambit by A. C Crispin 340 pages, Rating 4.5/5.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee 281 pages, Rating 4.6/5.

The Great Gatsby F Scott Fitzgerald 180 pages, Rating 4/5.

Total pages: 1136 pages

weekly average: 281pages

Daily average: 40 pages


Febuary was an ok month for reading, I could have finished a couple more but my laziness got the better of me. I plan on reading mor F. Scot Fitzgerald books in the future and plan on finishing the Han Solo trilogy of books. I also plan on reading Homer’s epic The Odessey just because it is a very imteresting piece of work detailing the events that transpired after the trojan war.

The Paradise Snare was a good book it really helped me understand the character Han Solo more but it was slightly lacking in the fact that it didn’t detail Han’s experiance inside the Empire and the book didn’t even tell us how Han met chewie (which was explained in the second book) on the bright side Han’s backstory was told in very great detail. The Hutt Gambit was also quite good the book helped bring out Han’s rebelious nature and after reading it really cleared up some of the misconceptions that arouse from the first book like the people he had met from the empirial academy. To Kill a Mockingbird was a very good book, sorry but I can’t really recall my memory on it. The Great Gatsby was what I found very sad. It is about a man who throws huge parties so the woman he always loved would hopefully attend. The ending kind of made my heart sink a bit because it made me come to a sad realization: Sometimes taking the blame for someone who you have a certain affinity with they may just betray you. I also found that Nick Carraway was a very interesting narrator to say the least. So yeah that ends my Febuary reading ladder, in conclusion I would like to read more books and the summary basically summerizes my understandings of the books listed above

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